Do you have expertise in working with autism?
There are therapists here who have over 30 years experience working with children with autism and sensory processing disorder. Our clinicians continue to attend workshops and stay up to date on the newest research.
Do you accept insurance?
The only insurance company we contract with is Kaiser. All other decisions on insurance coverage is decided by your policy. We are happy to help you with paper work necessary to get reimbursed by your insurance company.
How long does therapy last?
The length of the session and the duration of treatment is determined by the evaluation and treatment plan. The severity of the problem helps determine the frequency of therapy.
What is pediatric occupational therapy?
The occupations of a child are self care, school, and play. OT's use these activities to help children develop physical coordination, emotional intelligence, social skills, and self-confidence. Pediatric OT's are educated in neurology and kinesiology and are licensed to work in their field.
How can occupational therapist help children with handwriting difficulties?
OT's are trained in detailed mechanics of hand function as well as elements of writing.
What does an occupational therapy evaluation look like?
The evaluation consists of gathering background information, observing the child in a playful setting, and providing a written report. Parents often tell their children they are going to see if there is anything that the therpist can help them with.